Hilarious Horror Short Attack Of The Pod(cast) People
It seems everyone these days has a podcast! There's nothing wrong with that, some of them are really good (we're a little biased towards Podtyrant), and others...well you know. If you're not a fan of talk radio, you're likely not a fan of podcasts, and that's completely fine! Just don't tell that to someone who listens to a podcast. Great short by Above Average!
Mick Joest
I started out as a loyal reader of Geektyrant before emailing Joey one day about the potential of writing for Geektyrant. Now six years later I'm the managing editor of Gametyrant.com and still living the dream and giving my opinion to the geek masses! Geektyrant is my life, and I hope that shows in everything I do!
@G33kyMick // mickjoest@geektyrant.com