Hilary Duff Says There Have Been Conversations About Reviving LIZZIE MCGUIRE — GeekTyrant

Hilary Duff Says There Have Been Conversations About Reviving LIZZIE MCGUIRE

You guys, this is what dreams are made of: Hilary Duff is stirring the pot by telling Entertainment Tonight there have been “some conversations” about a Lizzie McGuire revival. Lizzie McGuire is Duff’s most iconic role* and ran on the Disney Channel from 2001 to 2004, including a feature film aptly called The Lizzie McGuire Movie.

This is potentially awesome news. Lizzie was a fun, plucky, kind of dorky tween heroine with an animated daemon who acted out her internal monologue and a cast of friends, frenemies, and crushes to bring the low-level drama. A revival would put her on the edge of her 30th birthday if I am doing my math right. I feel like it’s been awhile since we’ve traversed that particular moment in a fun and quirky way rather than an angsty way, so if it is done well, it could be great. Duff obviously agrees. "I mean I love her so much. I think she was so important to girls at an important time in their life. If she could be important to them again at this age, I think that would be amazing."

However, we should keep in mind that this is very, very potential. Duff reiterated, "It's definitely not a go. I don't want to get everyone wild talking about it."

I am pretty sure that’s exactly what she wants, actually, because if everyone is talking about, it is far likelier to get a greenlight. Nonetheless, we will respect her wishes and continue to talk about it in a calm, dignified, non-wild way: It is my considered opinion that a Lizzie McGuire revival would be most pleasantly diverting.

*You can duke it out in the comments over whether Lizzie McGuire or Cadet Kelly is the more iconic Duff role.

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