Honest Game Trailer for THE SIMS

Smosh Games' latest Honest Trailer takes on the popular time-waster video game The Sims. Look, if I'm ever going to live a life online, it's not going to be in a game like The Sims. It would be in a game like World of Warcraft. I'm just too busy living my real GeekTyrant life to be living a second life in the virtual world. I just don't get The Sims, there's no freakin' point to it! The video below hilariously points out how absurd this game actually is.  Even if you play it, you have to see how ridiculous it is...right?

You've Simmed a city, a tower, an earth, and an ant. Now, EA and Maxis let you simulate the least interesting subject yet - you! The Sims.

SMASH - Slow Mo Ladies Night ►► http://smo.sh/SS-SlowMo Subscribe ►► http://smo.sh/SubscribeSmoshGames You've Simmed a city, a tower, an earth, and an ant. Now, EA and Maxis let you simulate the least interesting subject yet - you! The Sims. Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite Video Games: Honest Game Trailers.

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