Honest Trailer for The PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Franchise

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the Honest Trailer series. I just don't find them that funny. But it doesn't seem fair to not put something on the site simply because I personally don't like it. I know a lot of you guys dig these videos, and it's clear that the team at ScreenJunkies puts a lot of work into them, so I figured I'd showcase their latest one here anyway and use it as an excuse to launch into a conversation about this franchise as a whole.

Some things this video gets right:

  • Johnny Depp isn't nearly as interesting as he used to be.
  • The first movie was legitimately good.
  • I also completely forgot they made a fourth film.

Does anyone really want to see more of this franchise, aside from the people who will directly profit from it? I don't think audiences are begging for more, and though I'm happy that the directors of the little-seen Kon-Tiki have the chance to step into blockbuster territory with the upcoming fifth film, Dead Men Tell No Tales, I'm not-so-secretly hoping this project falls apart and those guys get to go make another big movie elsewhere.

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