Horror Producer Jason Blum Shares The Scariest Film He's Ever Seen, What's Yours?


The horror film genre is my favorite genre. I love horror movies, I’ve enjoyed watching them ever since I was a kid. We are now in the Halloween season and during this time of year I bury myself in horror movies and TV shows!

Horror movie producer Jason Blum has built Blumhouse up as a production company that makes quality horror films. For the most part, I’ve really enjoyed the films that they’ve produced. Their most recent film is Halloween Kills, which comes out later this month.

While making the rounds for the upcoming film, the producer was asked what his personal pick is for the scariest horror film that he’s seen. That movie is Friday The 13th, he explains to CB:

"The scariest movie for me was Friday the 13th. Although, I've never been as scared as when the first time I saw the movie, but the most scared I've ever been seeing any movie was Friday the 13th. I was too young when I saw it and it just destroyed me. So that's a movie that we should all watch in October. And then, obviously, they're less associated with Halloween too, but I think in terms of the best scary movie director, I think is Hitchcock. And I think you'd do pretty well watching Psycho on Halloween, too."

See, slasher films weren’t ever scary for me. I think I was around 12 or 13 years old when I first watched Friday The 13th, and it didn’t scare me. I watched it with a group of friends and it was more fun horror than scary horror.

The scariest film that I’ve seen, the one that gave me nightmares for a month and kept me from falling asleep for several nights was the original film adaptation of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary. That movie seriously messed me up and I love it for that. One scene in particular is when the character Zelda comes back to haunt her sister. Good lord, that was a nightmare. But then there was also everything else about that film as well that messed with my head.

Anyway, with it being the Halloween season, let us know what the scariest movie you’ve seen is!

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