How Are Ant-Man and The Wasp Connected To AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR and AVENGERS 4?

The next time we see Ant-Man will be after Avengers: Infinity War in the sequel Ant-Man and The Wasp. That adventure is set soon after the events of Captain America: Civil War and before the events of Infinity War. So how do they fit into the Avengers story arc?

Director Joe Russo recently teased how Ant-Man and The Wasp fits in and while he doesn't offer any concrete details, he does make it clear that the character will play a role in the full story arc. He explains to CBM:

"They all lead in in their own way. From a plot standpoint, if there’s any corollary, Ant-Man and the Wasp probably has some elements that stitch in." 

Anthony Russo then jumped in and said:

"But we can’t talk about that."

Obviously, the role that Ant-Man and The Wasp play in this story arc is a big one. We already know that the two characters will be in Avengers 4. What if these are the two characters who survive Thanos' wrath because of some adventure they are on in the Quantum Realm during the events of Infinity War and when they come back the world is a complete disaster?

What if Ant-Man and The Wasp are two of the main characters in Avengers 4? Russo already said that there will be different heroes at the forefront of the story. Maybe those characters along with Captain Marvel and Hawkeye or Ronin are those heroes!? 

Obviously Marvel is keeping Ant-Man and The Wasp's involvement a secret for a reason. I think, in a way, the Ant-Man and The Wasp film is going to set the stage for the roles of those characters in Avengers 4. And as we saw in the set photos, a part of that role includes a scene where Ant-Man is interacting with Captain America from the first Avengers film. 

How are you seeing all of these puzzle pieces fitting together? I can't wait to see how all of this plays out!

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