How the Ending of HALLOWEEN KILLS Will Affect Laurie Strode in HALLOWEEN ENDS


Halloween Kills certainly ends in a brutal way. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, you might want to skip this because we talk about the ending of the movie.

Halloween Kills was actually a great sequel! Loved it as it featured a town coming together in mob-like fashion to kill Michael Myers. Tommy Doyle (Anthony Michael Hall) is leading the charge of this furious mob, and at the end of the film they think they got him! Hell, I thought they got him! Coming up to the end, I was like how in the hell is there going to be a third chapter to this story!?

Well, they didn’t get him. Near the end of the movie Karen, Laurie’s daughter lures Michael Myers into the street after she takes his mask off. The mob of people is waiting for him and once he’s out they surround him and start beating the living hell out of him! Why they didn’t just decapitate him I’ll never know.

When you think Michael is down for the count, he gets right back up and freakin’ kills everyone in the mob! Karen leaves before this happens and makes the mistake of thinking that Michael has been killed. She goes back to comfort her daughter and then for some reason decides to walk up to Judith Myers’ room to look out of the window. Then all of a sudden Michael pops up behind her like the ninja that he is and brutally stabs her to death.

Yep, Michael killed Laurie’s daughter! When talking about how that ending came about, director David Gordon-Green tell GamesRadar, "I was writing with Danny McBride and Scott Teems, and as we were writing it, that just happened. And then we stopped writing."

He then went on to talk about the affect this will have on Laurie and her emotional state in the upcoming Halloween Ends:

"Well, if you look at where Laurie Strode went from 1978 over the next 40 years, we found the person in a very different state than we'd left her. And the most enjoyable characters to write and watch are the ones that evolve and go through change. There'll be a lot of unexpected character evolution in the next one, and that's because processing grief and tragedy and a massacre like this can only go in any number of infinite directions. And so we just get to pick one and take that journey with her."

As for what actress Judy Greer thought about her character being killed off, she said in an interview with THR:

"Well, I was bummed to see the ending. I thought it was a good idea, though. I thought it was really beautifully written, and it felt like a dance, like an opera, kind of. But it was also a little bit of a bummer, mostly because I like to play with my friends."

Yeah, the ending was a bit of a bummer, and it’s going to be interesting to see how this story continues to play out in the next movie. All of this could’ve been avoided though had someone through it would be a good idea to chop Myers’ head off. That’s apparently really the only way that they’ll be able to take him down for good.

What did you all think of the ending for Halloween Kills?

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