Hugh Jackman Shares Embarrassing Story About How He Thought Wolverine Was Part Wolf

When Hugh Jackman was first cast in the role of Wolverine in X-Men, he had no idea who the character was. He never read any of the comic books, so he had no idea what the character Wolverine was, and apparently, no one bothered to give him any details. So, he thought Wolverine was actually part wolf.

He shared his embarrassing story while appearing on the HBO series Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace, saying he didn’t even know that a wolverine was a real animal. He explained:

“I had never read the comic book. I got the part. I didn’t really know anything about…I didn’t, in Australia we don’t have wolverines. I didn’t know that was a real animal. I’d never heard of a wolverine. I thought it was a made-up animal. You know, like, he’s got man hands of steel, made up. And so I was passing as I was doing rehearsal at the Imax, they had this documentary about wolves. And I was like, perfect, because obviously I’m a wolf, part wolf.”

It wasn’t until he showed up on the set of the movie that all of this was cleared up and it really does sound like an embarrassing experience!

“So I went [to set] with all these wolf moves and I was doing these moves, and the director said, ‘What are you doing?’ And I said, ‘Well, I was just thinking wolves are always looking like this because they’re actually smelling, they’ve got their nose to the ground. That’s why they’re looking like this all the time.’ And he goes, ‘What do you mean a wolf?’ And I said, ‘Well, you know, Wolverine — I’m part wolf so…’ and he goes, ‘No, you’re a wolverine.’”

That’s a funny story, and I can’t help but wonder if there is some footage out there of Hugh Jackman trying to act like a wolf while playing Wolverine!

Via: Variety

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