Humor: The Singing Sarlacc Pit
It's a good thing George Lucas doesn't have the rights to Star Wars anymore...he might actually try to make this happen! David Unger is back with his whacky movie edits and has really outdone himself with this Return of the Jedi meets Little Shop of Horrors mash-up!
I'm kind of embarrassed by how much I enjoyed this. There's something about the scene where C-3PO appears as though he's screaming over the singing so that he can be heard... that really got to me!
I started out as a loyal reader of Geektyrant before emailing Joey one day about the potential of writing for Geektyrant. Now six years later I'm the managing editor of and still living the dream and giving my opinion to the geek masses! Geektyrant is my life, and I hope that shows in everything I do!
@G33kyMick //