Hunt Down Jedi With New Grand Inquisitor Collectible From Hot Toys — GeekTyrant

Hunt Down Jedi With New Grand Inquisitor Collectible From Hot Toys

Hot Toys has revealed their newest Star Wars collectible, the Grand Inquisitor as seen in Obi-Wan Kenobi. The ⅙ scale figure of the mysterious Pau’an comes with a hand painted head sculpt, tailored outfit, light up chest armor, a luminous reflective effect on his belt, an LED light up double bladed lightsaber, interchangeable lightsaber blades, a Darth Vader hologram, holoprojector, and more.

The figure looks incredible, I love the lightsaber blades that simulate movement. For some reason it feels so much more dynamic on the double bladed lightsabers. You can preorder your figure for $260 from Sideshow now. 

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