I Want to Explore The New TCG in Town, ELESTRALS

I really like playing trading card games. Throughout my life I’ve tried several and lately I’ve been wanting to try something new. I heard whispers about a newer one called Elestrals and after a brief conversation, they were kind enough to send me a little care package. Inside said package were two starter decks, two booster boxes, and even some extra loose packs/blister packs. I want to share a huge thank you to the Elestrals team for all the goodies.

The catch is that because I am brand new to Elestrals, I wanted to pace myself on these goodies. Below, you will find a video of me opening the package and the starter decks, but I’m saving the boosters. One features a dragon-like creature named Kryoscorch with the powers of fire and frost fueling it. The other is focused on Emperowatt, a frost and lightning penguin creature and I love it. Basically, my plan is to learn the game a little bit with these starter decks so that I can feel more educated about the cards from the booster packs. Before I get to that point though I will share some things that drew my attention to Elestrals.

First, I like the art. It looks fun and vibrant. I also really appreciate that they credit the artists on the cards. This is something that I feel should be standardized across every trading card game. Second, the gameplay that I had seen looked familiar with small touches that made it feel more unique. Finally, after opening up the starter decks, I learned that each one comes with a rulebook (standard across many games), three booster packs (some other games do similar things), a d20 spin down die (cool), and a 1-card reference sheet (I’ve never seen this before). That last one is so incredible to have for a new player!

Needless to say, I’m very pumped to actually dive into Elestrals and give it a shot. Hopefully I’ll have the follow-up video and article ready in just a couple of weeks. If you’ve played Elestrals, let me know your thoughts in the comments below. If you haven’t, but think it looks cool, let’s explore it together.

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