Bill Murray Had One Major Problem With Richard Donner's Direction in the Film SCROOGED

Bill Murray’s classic Christmas movie Scrooged is a favorite among the fans who’ve seen it. The movie was released in 1988, and it was a modernized take on the classic tale A Christmas Carol. Murray plays an awful and rude TV executive who embodies a modern ‘80s Ebenezer Scrooge. It hasn’t become the classic that some other holiday movies have over the years, but it’s a fun movie.

Murray has one reason he doesn’t love the movie as much as he could have, and that’s because of one clash he had with the film’s director, Richard Donner.

In an old 1990 interview with the late, famed film critic, Roger Ebert, Bill Murray indicated the main reason he disagreed with Donner’s direction, saying:

"Every single minute of the day. That could have been a really, really great movie. The script was so good. There's maybe one take in the final cut movie that is mine. We made it so fast, it was like doing a movie live. He kept telling me to do things louder, louder, louder. I think he was deaf."

He really does yell throughout the entire movie. He goes from angry yelling to happy yelling, and it’s easy to see why that would be obnoxious. But just as most fans can look past it, Bill Murray also didn't dismiss Scrooged as a terrible movie. "It wasn't that bad," he told Roger Ebert. "It had some good stuff in it."

And it seems like this was just the way Donner envisioned Murray’s character. None of the director’s other hits like The Goonies, Superman, Lethal Weapon or Maverick had this issue. Oh well, I still think it’s a really fun movie. Hopefully Murray is able to look back on it with fondness as well.

via: /Film

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