Incredible Sci-Fi Animated Short Film X-STORY Follows an Adventurer Hunting for a Hidden Treasure

You've got to watch this CG animated sci-fi adventure short film called "X-Story"! It was created by director Vitaliy Shushko and a team of talented individuals. The short took them to two years to develop, and the story follows a bionic adventurer who embarks on a hunt for a hidden treasure in a hidden city. Along the way, he is being attacked by an army of robots.

The film also portrays themes of greed and betrayal, and there's not a single word spoken throughout the entire story. It's all told through its awesome visuals. The adventurer isn't quite sure what he is looking for until he finds it, and when he does, he finds that the treasure isn't money. It's the control or a robotic super-weapon that comes with infinite power. 

This is an incredibly cool animated short, and it's easily one of the best I've seen this year. Please take the time to watch it because I think you're all going to love it! 

Vitaliy Shushko — art, story, directing ( Elena Volk — 2d/3d-animation, compositing ( Pavel Mira — compositing, 3d-modeling, 3d-animation ( Denis Pisarev — compositing, 3d-modeling ( Timur Gibadulin — 3d-modeling ( Viktor Gullichsen — music ( Henri Keinala — music DZA — additional music ( Thomas Karagiannis — additional music ( Juhana Vihervaara — sound design Tomas Ihonen — sound design Florian Calmer — additional sound design ( Special Thanks Vasili Zorin — ( Pavel Vasin — ( Nadya Mira — ( Ilya Shekiladze — (

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