Indie Filmmakers Talk About Their Favorite Film Genres

Earlier this summer, GeekTyrant had the privilege of covering the 2015 FilmQuest film festival in Salt Lake City, Utah. We got to watch a ton of great genre films and shorts. Many of the films were horror, sci-fi, and fantasy stories. We also got the chance to interview the filmmakers behind these shorts along with some of the cast members. During our interviews with these talented individuals, we asked them what their favorite film genre is and why. Here's a video supercut of all the answers we got. To read all of our FilmQuest 2015 coverage, click here.

We interview some of the filmmakers at Filmquest 2015 and ask the ultimate question, what genre of of film is your favorite? Do you have a favorite? Is there a best? Check out Filmquest Film Festival! Check out Super Bob!

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