Insanely Awesome New Footage from TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Screened at Comic-Con!

The Terminator franchise is about to take a turn for the better with producer James Cameron and director Tim Miller’s Terminator: Dark Fate. I know a lot of fans weren’t really impressed by the first trailer that was released, but I’m here to tell you that this movie is going to deliver fans the Terminator sequel that we’ve all been waiting for!

Their new film brings back Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, Arnold Schwarzenegger as a different version of the T-800, and Edward Furlong as John Connor. It also stars Mackenzie Davis as a human-machine hybrid character named Grace, Natalia Reyes as Dani, and Gabriel Luna as the new Terminator.

The film is a direct follow-up to Terminator 2: Judgment Day and will ignore the three other films that were made. This movie looks like it holds up to the standards of T2! The footage that was screened for the fans was insanely awesome, and I hope the next trailer reflects that greatness and gets fans super excited.

It was also confirmed the the film is rated R, and the footage we saw reflected that rating. Not only is there brutal violence, but Sarah Connor sure likes to drop the F-bomb these days

The extended clip screened was an action scene in which Grace and Dani are being chased down by the new Terminator in a little old work truck. The Terminator is obviously racing toward them in a semi truck. We’ve seen bits and pieces of this scene in the trailers that have been released, but those trailers don’t show the best parts!

Grace is a technologically advanced human from the future who is sent back in time to save Dani from being killed, because if she dies… everyone dies! Grace can hold her own against the new Terminator and is doing the best she can to stop him. She throws metal rods at the Terminator while it’s driving, and it eventually separates its liquid metal from its solid endoskeleton and leaps at the little truck. Grace managed to beat him off of it, though.

The truck chase ends with both cars crashing, and Grace is protecting Dani as the two Terminators close in on them. Grace tells Dani, “When they start to kill me, run!” But before the Terminators can do any damage, Sarah Connor comes to the rescue and saves them by blowing away the Terminator with an assault rifle, a rocket launcher, and a grenade. At one point as she walks away from Grace and Dani, she says, “I’ll be back.”

The footage then cuts to Sarah telling Grace that her and her son “saved three billion lives…you’re welcome.” She then adds, “I hunt Terminators,” and explains that she wants to help them because she used to in the same position as Dani and explains that having that kind of weight on your shoulders sucks.

There is then a shot of the three woman standing at a cabin in the woods. Sarah is standing by the door like she is ready to fight if something bad goes down, and out walks Arnold’s T-800, who is gong by the name of Carl. Sarah is not happy to see him. She despises the cyborg and promises to kill him after he helps her, Grace, and Dani survive the ordeal they’ve found themselves in. He seems ok with that. He understands. She also says she’ll never call him Carl.

After that we see a bunch of action packed shots including some crazy cool shots from the future wasteland that shows a war between humans and robots. There’s then a great scene where the new Terminator is coming after Dani on an airplane and the Terminator is firing a weapon at them. Carl grabs Sarah to shield her from the bullets and she pushes him away and tell him not to touch her. Like I said, she’s pissed at him! The footage ended on a shot of a great shot of a nice and shiny T-800 endoskeleton.

The action is big, over-the-top, and, according to the director and the cast, it’s non-stop! What we saw here was perfect for a Terminator movie! This is what fans of the franchise need to see to get excited! Hopefully this is the stuff they show in the next trailer!

I love what I’m seeing from this next chapter of the story. It feels fresh and new but also familiar in a good way. This movie had to be something different from anything we’ve seen before, and I think Miller, Cameron, and the creative team are going to deliver that.

When talking about the time travel aspect of the film, Miller explained that he’s not a fan of movies with multiple realities and said, “You lose a little bit of the dramatic stakes. In the Terminator universe, there is only one timeline.” They made that rule and stuck with it. If you change the past, you change the future. It’ll be interesting to see what this new future is in the film. Miller did tease, “Sarah is living with the consequences of that decision, and we see how it’s playing out some 20 years later.”

Terminator: Dark Fate opens on November 1st, 2019.

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