Interesting Video Explores The Circle of Life in Superhero Storytelling

I’ve got a great video essay here for you to watch today from Evan Puschak of The Nerdwriter. In this video, titled “The Life Cycle of Superhero Storytelling,” he explores the development of characters, crossover events, and reboots when some of the stories get too out of control, and how they all work to create a lifecycle continues to satisfy fans and it all starts with the age-old question… Marvel or DC?

Reliance on interconnectivity grows crossover events occur with increasing frequency. Standalone stories become rarer. Continuity gets convoluted… To be understood in the end, the only option left is a…. refresh or a reboot. …Things get simplified, histories erased, and characters are brought back from the dead. This is circle of life in superhero comics.

There’s a lot of interesting stuff pointed out in this video, so if your a fan of superhero comic book stories, check it out!

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