Is Doofenshmirtz From PHINEAS ANS FERB Actually a Good Guy?

The Film Theorists is a YouTube channel that explores some pretty cool fan theories about TV shows and movies. Their latest video tackles a theory about the show Phineas and Ferb. Now, if you haven’t watched the show, you should still be able to watch it as the video quickly explains any background information you need. This show is fantastic and this is an interesting theory. I have questioned why he was never thrown in jail or stopped in a more permanent manner and this is definitely a thought as to why. Where the theory loses me is that he posits that the "OWCA Files" special episodes happen before the show, but I always thought they were after the show. I don’t see any official information regarding one way or another, and it could make sense before the show since Doofenshmirtz is shown as a high school science teacher in “Doof 101” as community service. Do you think this theory makes sense, or are we just looking too much into it?

Which Incredible is MOST INCREDIBLE? ► SPONGEBOB'S ADOPTED?! ►► SUBSCRIBE for More Film Theories! ► I recently checked out PHINEAS AND FERB, and it's actually way better than I expected. But one thing stuck out to me above all the show's idiosyncrasies: Why hasn't Dr. Doofenshmirtz been arrested?

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