It Sounds Like Ryan Reynolds Doesn't Really Want to Make a FREE GUY Sequel

Not long after the Shawn Levy-directed movie Free Guy hit theaters, Ryan Reynolds excitedly shared that Disney wanted a sequel. He said at the time: “Aaaannnnd after 3 years messaging #FreeGuy as an original IP movie, Disney confirmed today they officially want a sequel. Woo hoo!! #irony.” He went on to say, “If it isn’t called, ‘Albuquerque Boiled Turkey’ we’ve failed.”

Well, a couple of years later, his tone has certainly changed! Now it seems like he doesn’t want to make it! He asks why everything needs a sequel these days and thinks it’s ok to just make one move that stands on its own. He also says that the sequel is something that is still being discussed. Here’s his full quote:

“There is the potential to do a sequel to Free Guy, which would be fun. I would love it. But also like, does everything fucking have to be a sequel? I don’t know. Sometimes it’s OK to just do a movie and have it kick ass and then everyone go home.

“So you know, there’s a bit of a push and pull there, resisting the urge to just immediately say, ‘Ohh, doing a sequel will validate the first one,’ No, the first movie validates the first one and then you can leave it at that. So I don’t know, we’re still talking about it.”

So, maybe we won’t see a Free Guy sequel. While I enjoyed the first movie, I can definitely live without a sequel. I’d rather see Reynolds use his time, energy, and talents to make another original movie! He’s right, not every successful film needs a sequel. But, studios will keep making them because they want to rake in the cash.

Source: Variety

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