It Took A Lot to Get Chris Pratt to Audition for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

It’s not unheard of to hear that an actor originally didn’t want a part in a film. Zachary Levi has talked about how he didn’t want to audition for the role of Shazam and now he loves that role. It looks like another story to be added to that category is that of Chris Pratt in regard to the role of Star Lord. At the red-carpet premiere of Avengers: Endgame, casting director Sarah Finn talked about the troubles of getting Pratt for the role.

They’re all challenging in their own ways, but I’d probably go with Guardians of the Galaxy. James Gunn has been very generous about this in saying that I, to the point of annoying him, kept insisting that Chris Pratt was the guy for the part, but Chris didn’t want to play the part and refused to audition.

I finally got him to audition and James Gunn said he didn’t want to see him and that really was a challenge. I was really happy when I finally got them together and it was honestly one of those eureka moments that we talk about in casting when it absolutely feels right and you know it’s right. James turned to me within ten seconds and said ‘He’s the guy.’

Well, I’m glad Pratt eventually decided to go for it, and James Gunn eventually let him. I think he was the perfect choice for the once obscure role. Are you glad Pratt became a Guardian of the Galaxy?

Via: CinemaBlend

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