It's Time To Get Funky With This 100 Movie Dance Scenes Mashup

Check out this video mashup that features 100 movie scenes of characters dancing their hearts out. This is a very fun and upbeat video that is set to Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk" featuring Bruno Mars. It might just make you want to get up and dance! You should definitely do that, especially if you're at work. Dancing always makes the day better. Or you can just sit there in your chair watching other people dance in the video below. The video was created by What's the Mashup?

C'est la rentrée sur What's the Mashup! Pour fêter ça, voici un mashup de 100 scènes de danse made in Hollywood et d'ailleurs!! Saurez-vous retrouver les 100 films? :p (la liste des films est disponible en activant les sous-titres!) Toute l'actu de la chaine sur Facebook: Et sur Twitter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back to school with What's the Mashup!

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