Jack Reynor Was "Afraid" of Being Cast as Han Solo in the STAR WARS Spin-Off
My introduction to actor Jack Reynor was in Transformers: Age of Extinction, and I'll admit, I was ready to write him off entirely from the very beginning. But I've since come to realize that he certainly couldn't have saved that movie singlehandedly, and I've also seen him play different types of characters in both Sing Street and Free Fire; in short, he's a fine actor who got in over his head in a blockbuster movie and seems to have come out relatively unscathed. But according to the actor himself, he might not have come out of Lucasfilm's upcoming Han Solo standalone movie unscathed. He was originally up for the role of the titular space smuggler, and thanks to a new interview with The Irish Times (via ScreenCrush), we know he's relieved he didn't get the part:
That Han Solo movie is going to be really tough. I think the guy who is doing it is a really good actor, but, for myself, I was afraid of it. I kept thinking: if you f --- this up you’ll ruin people’s childhoods. If it doesn’t turn out great, you won’t be forgiven. That’s a lot of responsibility. And even if it goes great, you’ll do it, people will know you only from that and that defines your career. That would be very difficult.
Anyone approaching the role with that mentality probably wouldn't have been able to bring the necessary swagger to the character, so it sounds like it's a good thing Reynor didn't get the part. I'm also convinced he's better as a supporting player rather than a lead, so hopefully the fact that he's not tied into a franchise machine will mean we'll see him pop up in more spectacular indies like Sing Street over the next few years.