Jackbox Games Announces THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK 10 and More

Jackbox Games has announced The Jackbox Party Pack 10! This new pack of five games is set to launch this fall and I’m very interested to see what is in store. Sadly, we don’t know anything about the games that will be a part of Party Pack 10, but details will be shared in the coming months. I’m hoping that this pack is as good as Party Pack 9 and Party Pack 7. However, Jackbox Games has more news.

To celebrate the tenth Party Pack entry, every month leading up to the launch will see one previous Party Pack being highlighted. Behind the scenes tidbits will be shared, a special livestream from the development team, and heavy discounts for the Steam version of the Pack of the Month on the official storefront.

The only thing I could imagine to take things even further is to create a unified launcher! Let us have a single, easy to use interface that lets us access all the games we’ve already purchased instead of forcing us to jump from pack to pack as we try to remember which one has the game we want to play. Is it really too much to ask?

You can watch the video below to see how fans and members of the Jackbox Games team have loved the games over the years.

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