James Gunn Applauds a Fan's GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Theory That Meredith Quill Might Be an Avatar on an Otherworldly Entity

Marvel fan and YouTuber Erik Voss of New Rockstars has dedicated himself to finding that one last Easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy that director James Gunn says has yet to be discovered. Well, Gunn saw his recent video, shared it, and applauded it for the theory it presents. It’s actually pretty compelling and I think fans will appreciate it.

In the video, Voss discussed the movie's soundtrack and how it’s intricately woven into the film’s storytelling. He also shared a theory that Peter Quill’s mother, Meredith Quill (Laura Haddock), might be the avatar of an otherworldly entity like Lady Death or Eternity!

We know that Death, Entropy, Eternity, and Infinity are seen on the wall designs of the Morag temple where Star-Lord gets the Power Stone at the beginning of the film. Art shows these four entities are forging the six Infinity Stones at the beginning of time.

Voss basically explains that when Meredith Quill appears to her son after he grasps the Power Stone at the climax of the movie, she's surrounded in this cosmic haze, the same cosmic haze that we see in the background as Peter and Gamora are listening to Peter's walkman on Knowhere. Voss explains his theory that Knowhere is actually the severed head of one Ego's previous organic forms and that the scene between Peter and Gamora takes place in front of one of the head's eyes. This means that the scene where Peter and Gamora fall in love is seen through Ego's eyes as he looks out onto Eternity, who is Peter's mother.

Voss does a much better job explaining it and goes into much more depth, but that’s the gist of it. Gunn enjoyed the theory so much he shared it on Twitter, with the comment, “Haha amazing work.”

Gunn doesn’t verbally confirm or deny if this theory is actually true, but the fact that he responded to it so enthusiastically means that it could be. Watch the video below that is filled with lots of other Easter Eggs and tell us what you think!

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