James Gunn Explains Studio Notes on Scripts and How It Works For Him as The Head of DC Studios

During a recent string of updates from James Gunn, he revealed that he had completed the script for Superman: Legacy. At one point he was asked if Warner Bros. gave him any notes on the script and how he received them and Gunn responded:

“No, WB wouldn’t be giving notes on a DC Studios production. Since we came on board, we’re two separate entities within WBD.”

Then another fan asked if no one at WB is giving him notes, who is giving them to him? This sparked Gunn to give a lengthy explanation of his experience with studio notes on scripts and how it works for him as the head of DC Studios:

It’s interesting to see the numerous responses to my answer here about how notes work in Hollywood. From when I began writing I have given my scripts and stories to many different trusted parties for “notes.” Listening to constructive criticism is the lifeblood for any writer.

So as the head of DC Studios, I give the script to people I trust (like my exec Chantal Nong or DC comics writer @TomKingTK) and get their thoughts about what works well and what could work better so I can improve the script.

To paraphrase @StephenKing, “first draft door closed, second draft door open.” Writing is communication so this is important.

All that said I’ve NEVER as a director been given notes I was ordered to take. Not from Universal on Slither, from Marvel in the Guardians films, nothing. I’ve always tried to take the notes that will actually make the film better and I argue about the ones I think won’t work.

This process has worked for me because I have been blessed in the partners I’ve chosen to work with - we are all moving towards one thing: making the movie better. And I can put my ego aside and be open when I need to be and convincing when I need to be.

I KNOW this is not the case for everyone (and it wasn’t always the case for me as a writer). Again, I’m blessed in this way. But that’s how notes work, and I’m not going to suddenly stop taking them because I’m the head of a studio. #writing #SupermanLegacy

James Gunn's recent updates on Superman: Legacy have shed light on his process and personal experience as a writer and director in Hollywood. Despite being the head of DC Studios, he still values the importance of receiving constructive criticism and feedback from trusted individuals to improve his scripts. His process has been successful because he works with partners who are all focused on making the movie better, and he knows when to put his ego aside and be open to suggestions.

While this may not be the case for everyone, Gunn's dedication to the craft of writing and storytelling is admirable, and it's clear that he is committed to delivering great projects for fans of the DC universe.

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