James Gunn Explains Why Spoilers Won't Ruin GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 For You

There's a lot of information that has been released over the past couple of weeks regarding Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Some of that information has revealed plot points and other details that would be considered spoilers. If you've read any of that spoiler information, don't worry, director James Gunn says that it still won't ruin the movie for you. Here's the explanation he posted on his Facebook page:

For a couple of years now the Marvel team and I have been careful not to let out any secrets contained within Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. We have held back drastically on our promotional materials, using almost all plot elements from the first twenty minutes of the film - which sometimes felt like hopping on one leg in a marathon - so that you, the fans, know as little about the surprises we have in store for you before going in. And now, here we are, a week before opening in the US and many other countries, and a handful of folks online who have already seen the movie are enjoying "spoiling" these plot elements for others by posting on message boards or Twitter or even writing entire online articles about these spoilers.
In fact, there are so many people spoiling things that, if you haven't seen the movie and choose not to know what happens beforehand, I would suggest you don't read the comments below this post, nor the comments on any of my posts, before you see the film in a theater. I do delete and permanently block people who spoil, but, at this point, I can't catch them all.
I don't get very angry over this stuff for a few reasons. Firstly, there are bigger things in the world today to get angry about than some poor sap who has the need to spoil movies online. Secondly, I'm grateful not to BE that poor sap clambering for attention from the solitude of keyboard and screen by spoiling, which cannot be a particularly fulfilling venture for anyone.
And, finally, there are studies that show spoilers don't really spoil anything. In a good story, our brains feel just as much pleasure whether or not we know the plot point ahead of time - and a new sort of pleasure emerges when we're piecing together the story we know is leading to some already-known element.
So, if you've accidentally heard about a surprise in Vol. 2, worry not - you will still be able to heartily enjoy the film. Not only because spoilers don't matter, but because we've created a movie where the story, humor, visuals, music, and emotion don't rely on surprises even if they did, and that you'll have a blast whether or not you know a spoiler or two before going in.
But, since spoilers don't really spoil, going forward let's call them something more accurate. I'm going to go with "pre-known plot points" until someone posts a better term below.
Just don't read the options if you haven't seen the movie.
Love you all. Have a great day.

I agree with Gunn's opinion on the matter. Being in the business that I'm in, I have stuff spoiled for me all the time. Most of the time I choose to spoil things for myself because it's not a big deal to me. Knowing something before I see a movie doesn't bother me because I feel it doesn't ruin my movie going experience. Sure, not everyone is like that and I completely understand! But, if you have read any of the spoiler-filled articles regarding Vol. 2, don't worry, the movie is still freakin' awesome and you'll enjoy the hell out of it!

What do you all think about Gunn's opinion on spoilers? Is it an issue or a non-issue for you?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theaters May 5th. 

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