James Gunn Teases That the Tone of THE SUCIDE SQUAD Will Be Different From the Other DC Films
It sounds like James Gunn is looking to distance The Suicide Squad from the rest of the DC films that Warner Bros. has released. The film is being seen as either a standalone sequel or soft reboot to David Ayer’s 2016 film, Suicide Squad.
The film will feature some returning cast members, and it will also be filled with new ones. Fans are very curious to see what this movie actually ends up being, but one thing Gunn recently teased is that the tone is going to be different from any of the other DC films that have been made.
A fan recently asked Gunn on Instagram about whether or not his film will have a similar tone to Shazam!, which, as you know, has more of a comedic feel to it. The director responded with, “No. It’s its own thing.”
I like the fact this film is going to have a unique tone of its own, and I can’t wait to see what kind of tone and distinct style that he ends up bringing to the DC universe. One thing we know for sure is that an R-rating for the movie is not off the table. Regardless, of the rating, though, I just want to see Gunn tell a great story with these characters, and I think he’ll accomplish that.
The Suicide Squad cast includes Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Peter Capaldi, Pete Davidson, Idris Elba, Nathan Fillion, Sean Gunn, Michael Rooker, David Dastmalchian, Storm Reid, Taika Waititi and John Cena.
The film is set for release on August 6th, 2021.