James Mangold Masterfully Revealed the Ending of LOGAN in THE WOLVERINE

I thought the end of Logan was a beautiful conclusion to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. Interestingly enough, director James Mangold already revealed Logan's fate in his 2013 film The Wolverine. If you haven't seen Logan yet you might not want to read any furthur. 

In case you forgot, the character Yukio predicted Wolverine's death when she said:

"I see you on your back, there’s blood everywhere. You’re holding your own heart in your hand."

If you've seen Logan, then you know at the end of the film Wolverine is lying on his back, blood everywhere, with his heart in his hand, in this case, his heart being his daughter Laura, a.k.a. X-23. It's actually quite poetic.

At first this may just seem like a fan theory, but when a fan pointed this out to Mangold on Twitter, the director confirmed it. Here are those tweets:

This little detail adds just a little bit more greatness to the end of Wolverine's movie run. Now I have to go see Logan again. 

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