Japan's Suicide Forrest is The Subject of a New Horror Film SUICIDE FORREST VILLAGE
There’s a new supernatural horror film in development that’s set in Japan’s Suicide Forrest. The film is titled Suicide Forrest Village and it’s coming from director Takashi Shimizu (Ju-On/The Grudge).
The story follows “a group who come across a mysterious box with a deadly secret: the item holds a curse that quickly spreads to those around them. The source of the box is the ‘Jukai Village,’ a rumored location deep within the Jukai Forest.”
The real life forest is known for its frequent suicides and disappearances. It’s a dark yet intriguing place that has captured the imaginations of people for years. The movie stars Jun Kunimura (Kill Bill: Vol. 1), Yumi Adachi (Tokyo Vampire Hotel) and Asuka Kurosawa (Silence).
Shimizu co-wrote the film with Daisuke Hosaka, who previously worked together on Howling Village and The Shock Labyrinth 3D.
The film was picked up by Cinedigm, and the Manager of Acquisitions, Brandon Hill, said in a statement, “Takashi Shimizu is a visionary director who helped bring Japanese horror films into the cultural consciousness. For the past two decades he’s been terrorizing audiences across the globe with his haunting style. Suicide Forest Village is a terrifically terrifying film, and we look forward to sharing it with audiences everywhere.”
Well, I sure do love horror movies and this one sounds like it’s going to be great!