Jeff Wadlow Shares Details on His Unproduced X-FORCE Trilogy Movie Plans — GeekTyrant

Jeff Wadlow Shares Details on His Unproduced X-FORCE Trilogy Movie Plans

Before Fox finally broke down and made a Deadpool movie, they were planning an X-Force trilogy with Kick-Ass 2, and Fantasy Island director Jeff Wadlow. Things didn’t really work out for the project, but now Wadlow is sharing some details on what his films would have explored.

While talking to CBM, the filmmaker explained that his story would have put more of a focus on the less privileged mutants of the X-Men franchise. He explained:

"What I can share about my take on the property (as it's not really relevant any more since Deadpool 2 introduced Cable, and I wrote X-Force before Deadpool 1 even came out), is that it asked if X-Men was about mutants who get to go to private school with Wolverine and Professor X, and have the Blackbird swooping down to pick them up, what about the mutants that have to go to public school? What about the ones who don't have the benefactor looking out for them, and what about the kids who have to figure it out on their own? We then would have introduced that darker, more militant mentor in the form of Cable.

Wadlow went on to offer additional story details, saying:

"I plotted out this three movie arc that took X-Force from what it was in the 90s with Rob Liefeld with a band of kids fighting for what they believe in, and then by the third film, the group would have grown and changed and lost and picked up some new members, and basically turned into Rick Remender's version of the X-Force in the early 2000s. That was a much darker hit squad and black ops team who had lost their way over the course of the three films.”

While the film never happened, Wadlow says that he is “super grateful to have had the opportunity to have just written the script.” However, he also says he would love to work on an X-Men or X-Force project for Marvel Studios:

"Kevin Feige, if you're reading this, I will do anything at all to work on your version of the X-Men and X-Force. I'm a filmmaker because of 90s comics, so I obviously love them dearly, and it was actually a dream come true for me to write X-Force and meet Rob Liefeld. I loved doing it and would of course do anything to be part of whatever new iteration they have planned."

The guy has obviously got a passion for the source material and I like his idea for the trilogy. But, his films have all been pretty mediocre, so he wouldn’t be my first choice to make an X-Men or X-Force movie. What do you think about his X-Force trilogy concept?

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