Jerry Seinfeld and Michael Richards Reunite in 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee' Teaser

Seinfeld is one of those shows that I think could have gone on for a lot longer than it did. But it had a great run and went out on top, and I can still enjoy watching all those episodes over and over again. Jerry Seinfeld and Michael Richards have reunited in this teaser clip for the upcoming season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. The last time I saw them together was in Curb Your Enthusiasm, when they did the Seinfeld reunion. It's great to see them together again, even if they aren't the characters that we came to know and love from the show.

In the clip, Richards plays Dick Corcoran, the president of, which is the online distributor of Seinfeld's amusing series. He goes off on a rant to Seinfeld about his concerns that Crackle is dead because of other streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu. Seinfeld explains why he cast Richards for this part in an interview with The New York Times:

“We thought: Who would be a good insane, pompous, power-mad president of Crackle? Who’s good at playing someone who has absolutely no power, but thinks they’re the czar of the universe? And that’s when I thought of Michael.”

As you'll see, he was perfect for the role. Enjoy!

Uploaded by Crackle on 2014-10-23.

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