Jessica Jones Kissing Someone New in Set Photo For Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones and some dude sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. But seriously, who is this dude? And why is he not Luke Cage?

So, rumors have been abounding recently about these new images posted on Twitter. It's from the set of Jessica Jones Season 2, and it appears she may have a new love interest. Either that or we are in for some more flashback shots showing love interests of her past. Either way, people are buzzing about who this new character could be. Wondering if he's another villain, or perhaps ally. Ultimately, it can't end up too well, because Jessica Jones doesn't do happy life, and also because, Luke Cage. Seriously. Am I the only one who feels these two should be together?

Check out the images below and give your feedback. Its weird to see her so happy right? 

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