J.J. Abrams Says RISE OF SKYWALKER Will Introduce New Force Powers and add New Elements That Will Infuriate Some Fans

While most Star Wars fans are excited about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, there are those who are a little apprehensive about it because they feel they got burned by The Last Jedi. While we all hope that it’s good and exceeds our expectations, we know that there are going to be things that people just don’t like. It’s the nature of fandom.

In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, director J.J. Abrams shared some new information about the film and said that some of these new elements will infuriate some fans and thrill others. But, when making this final film in the Skywalker saga he wanted to make sure they made some bold and different choices that we haven’t seen before in the franchise. He also explains that this movie will introduce aspects of the Force that we’ve never seen before:

“It was really important that we not just redo the things you’ve seen, but add new elements—which we knew will infuriate some people and thrill others. Among those things are not just new ways of doing sort of traditional, must-have sequences, whether it’s chases or lightsaber battles, or what have you. We wanted to make sure that this picture also showed aspects of the Force in ways that go beyond what you’ve seen before.”

We’ve heard rumors that there would be new aspects of the Force utilized in this movie, and it will be interesting to see what exactly these new Force powers are. Abrams went on to talk about how people who go in to see the film with a bad attitude will find something to make them not like the movie.

“The challenge on this film, being the end of three trilogies, was to tell a story that not only feels inevitable but also feels surprising. There are some people who want to not like something—and they will, without question, find something to not like. And people who want to like it, will find the things to like. I feel like you get criticized for changing too much, you get criticized for not changing enough. And everyone’s opinion is valid.”

He makes a good point there, and he goes on to share some of the reasons why you might want to see the movie, saying:

“I can’t speak to what it means about the future of Star Wars, but what I can say is that you don’t want to come to this movie to see everything you’ve seen before. You want to come to it because you might love certain characters, and you want to see more of them. You might come to it because you love Star Wars and what it feels like, and what it looks like, what it sounds like. You want to see something that feels like it is moving, that it is shocking, that is also incredibly funny, that has got a big heart. But you want to make sure that you’re bringing elements that feel like it’s expanding the story, even as this brings it to a close."

Those are exactly all of the reasons why I’m excited to see The Rise of Skywalker. As a Star Wars fan, I’m going into this movie with a good attitude with the hope that Abrams will be able to bring us an epic and satisfying conclusion. What do you all think about what Abrams had to say here?

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