J.K. Simmons Reveals That His Next Appearance as J. Jonah Jameson Has Already Been Filmed

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J.K. Simmons played J. Jonah Jameson, the head of the Daily Bugle, in the Sam Raimi directed Spider-Man trilogy that came out between 2002 and 2007. He was great in the role, but as those films had never hinted at any crossover with the new movies, we thought we had seen the last of Simmons playing the character. That was until we saw the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Simmons reprised his role as Jameson on the Daily Bugle news, expressing his disdain for Peter Parker, who is now exposed as the web-slinger himself.

We all figured that was just the beginning of Simmons’s return to the character, and we were right! In a recent interview with SiriusXM’s The Jess Cagle Show, the actor confirmed:

“Well yeah, [I’ll be back as J. Jonah Jameson] that’s the short answer. There is a future for J. Jonah Jameson after a several-year hiatus. He showed up very briefly for those who were wise enough to stay through the credits of Far from Home… There is one more JJJ appearance in the can, and from what I’m hearing there’s a plan for yet another. So hopefully JJJ will continue now and forever.”

This is expected, but still great news! The next Spider-Man film has not yet begun production, so this more than likely means that his next appearance will be in a movie within the universe, closely pertaining to Spidey. Morbius, due out March 19, 2021, or Venom 2, due June 25, 2021, perhaps?

Are you excited to see Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson back in Peter Parker’s universe?

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