Joaquin Phoenix's JOKER is Looking for Extras in New Jersey

If you are wanting to be in a movie and live around New Jersey, this may be just what you need. Grant Wilfley Casting, Inc. is looking for extras when Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker films in Jersey City and Newark. You will have to email the following information to

Full Name

Phone Number

Confirmation You Are At Least 18 Years Old



Clothing Sizes

Shoe Size

List of Dates You Are Available

Current Photo of Yourself (Selfies Allowed)

In the subject line put “NJ Local Flyer” so they know what you’re writing to them about. If you are under the age of 18, sadly you cannot be an extra. If you are an adult though and get selected, you will be paid $143 for 10 hours. You will also need a valid ID so you can fill out a federal I9 form on set. According to, the shoots in Jersey City will take place on September 30 and November 9 while the Newark shoots will happen on October 15 and 16. I wish you all the best of luck.

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