John Cena Is Being Eyed for Superhero Film SUPERIOR
Mark Millar wants WWE superstar John Cena as the lead in his film adaptation of Superior. CBM says the film, which is currently being written by Brandon and Phillip Murphy, will be based off Millar's series which follows a boy with Multiple Sclerosis who becomes his favorite fictional superhero after getting a wish from a space monkey. Millar took to Twitter to voice his support for the actor...
Just watched @amyschumer'sTrainwreck & it's my fave comedy in YEARS. @JohnCena so funny in it I literally just requested him for SUPERIOR.
— Mark Millar (@mrmarkmillar) September 24, 2016
As of late, it seems as though Cena has been trying to branch out more from the WWE umbrella. Depending on his schedule and what they have planned through next Wrestlemania (Cena is one world title away from beating Ric Flair's record), it's possible he could take some time off to film. I wonder what he thinks of the idea of starring in what will be a darker superhero film than most.
Cena does do a lot of work for the Make A Wish foundation, so it is possible the film's subject matter may pique his interest.