John Cusack and Adrien Brody Join Jackie Chan's DRAGON BLADE

Jackie Chan is in the middle of shooting an epic historical film called Dragon Blade, and he's brought in John Cusack and Adrien Brody to co-star. According to THR, they will play Roman soldiers lost in ancient times in Hong Kong. 

The movie is being directed by Daniel Lee, and the story is inspired by a missing legion of Roman soldiers that traveled into China in 48 B.C. Here is some additional information on the characters that Cusack and Brody are playing:

"Cusack will play Lucius, a Roman general who led a legion of 1,000 soldiers into Han Dynasty China. Brody will play Tiberius, who assassinated Rome's Consul Crassus and chased after Lucius with a force of 100,000 soldiers. Chan stars as the Commander of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, who teams up with Lucius to protect China's borders and sovereignty."

It will be really cool to see these two actors in a period film like this. They are both incredible actors, and I'm sure they'll give great performances. Chan plays a military leader in the story named Huo An, and this is what he had to say about the casting in a statement:

“I'm really excited to be in a movie with two of the most respected actors working today. It gives me confidence that the decade we spent researching and developing the script has produced something of a world-class standard.”

Brody added:

“It is a dream to finally work with Jackie. Aside from my longtime appreciation for his many talents, he is a beacon of generosity, and an inspiration to me. Dragon Blade is a tale of mythical proportions -- of good prevailing over evil -- and an opportunity for me to explore a character whose ambition challenges his honor."

Of course Cusack had to add his two cents:

"China is the future of world cinema. Having an opportunity to work with such film talents as Jackie Chan, Huayi Brothers, Daniel Lee and Susanna Tsang is a great privilege. I grew up watching Jackie Chan films and stood in awe of his talent, energy and spirit. This will be a great adventure for me."

The movie was inspired by the documented evidence of Roman descendants and Roman ruins in Liqian village in Northwest China's Gansu province during the Han Dynasty. This sounds like it's going to be an incredible movie, and I'll definitely be watching it when it's released.

Dragon Blade is set to be released in 3D IMAX in China, and in international markets on the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Day, which is February 19th, 2015.

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