John Wesley Shipp Cast as Henry Allen in THE FLASH

CBR recently got word that John Wesley Shipp will play Henry Allen, the father of Barry Allen in the upcoming CW show The Flash.

For those of you who don't know, Shipp played Barry Allen in the 1990 version of The Flash. Here is the statement that site received:

Given his history with The Flash, Andrew [Kreisberg], Geoff [Johns] and I could only think of one person we wanted to play Barry's father and that was John Wesley Shipp," Flash executive producer Greg Berlanti said in a statement. "He gives a fantastic and emotional performance in the pilot and we are looking forward to his presence in many more episodes. Also, personally, it was just wonderful to work with him again since my days at Dawson's Creek. He's a great actor and a great guy.

In the show, Henry Allen has been accused of killing his wife, Barry’s mother. It sounds like he will have a prominent role in the show. 

I am a Marvel reader, but The Flash is my all-time favorite DC hero. I can’t wait to see how this show plays out. The 1990 version, even though it was short lived, was one of my favorite shows. Thanks to a deal that I just made with my wife I will be able to watch the new series when it comes out. When I excitedly told my wife that Shipp was going to be a part of this incarnation of the show, she promptly told me that he played the dad in Dawson’s Creek. This garnered the deal that if I binge watch Dawson’s Creek with her, which I have refused to do up until this point, that she will watch The Flash with me. The deal was made and my fate hangs in the balance. 

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