JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4 Tentatively Scheduled to Start Shooting in 2021

The John Wick franchise is alive and well, but it has been a bit since we have heard anything about the fourth and fifth films that were reported to film back to back with a 2022 release date for the first movie. We still don’t have an official start date for production, but it sounds like things are moving in that direction.

In a recent interview with Collider, actor Ian McShane, who plays Winston, owner of the Continental Hotel and current enemy of John Wick in the films, chatted about the next film, saying:

"Keanu [Reeves] and I exchanged New Year’s greetings and said, 'Hope to see you this year.' I know the script is being written and they’re hoping to do it this year. I know they announced they were gonna do ['John Wick 4'] and ['John Wick 5'] together, but who knows. The studios announce all sorts of things. No doubt, at some point this year, we’re gonna do 'John Wick 4'."

The movies were part of the grouping that got majorly delayed in the pandemic that began in 2020. But the studio knows that the character John Wick and the films that tell his story have a major following and box office appeal, so it’s a no-brainer that they will return to making them as soon as possible.

John Wick 4 is currently scheduled for release on May 27, 2022, and John Wick 5 will hopefully fall not far behind. Are you looking forward to these two final films in the franchise?

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