JOKER Director Todd Phillips Is Now Open to a Sequel If It Has "Thematic Resonance"

With Joker on the verge of making of a billion dollars at the box office, you know that director Todd Phillips has been getting calls from Warner Bros. and Joaquin Phoenix about making a sequel. When Phillips embarked on his journey to make Joker, the initial plan was to only make one film. It wasn’t supposed to go beyond that, but the movie wasn’t supposed to make over a billion dollars at the box office either.

Well, Phillips is now actually open to the idea of coming back for a sequel as long as it has “thematic resonance." He told The L.A. Times:

“It couldn’t just be this wild and crazy movie about the ‘Clown Prince of Crime’. It would have to have some thematic resonance in a similar way that this does. Because I think that’s ultimately why the movie connected, it’s what’s going on underneath. So many movies are about the spark, and this is about the powder. If you could capture that again in a real way, that would be interesting.”

That makes sense to me. I would hate for Joker to be cheapened by a sequel that didn’t capture the same tone, spirit, and thematic resonance. If Phillips can figure out a way to continue the story of Joker with another great story I’ll definitely show up to watch it. At the same time, Joker doesn’t need a sequel. It works perfectly as a standalone film.

Would you like to see Phillips make a Joker sequel in with his vision of how it should be? Or would you rather see a wild and crazy movie about the ‘Clown Prince of Crime’? Or do you think the property should just be left alone?

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