JOKER Star Marc Maron Says Marvel Movies Are From "Grown, Male Nerd Childs"

It’s always weird to hear someone come out and start talking crap about the Marvel films and the fans. The Marvel movies are just so well made and the stories they’ve told have been so awesome! But, obviously not everyone is a fan.

Marc Maron, who has a role in DC’s upcoming Joker movie, recently appeared on Conan and explains that he’s not going to be bullied into watching Marvel movies, because they are for "grown, male nerd childs." Here’s his full comment:

"I have some issues with them and I generally don't like them. I don't wanna be bullied into seeing those movies. I'm a grown-up, I'm not seven, and I think those movies are for grown, male nerd childs."

After the audience groaned at the statement, he said:

"Oh, really? Take the hit! You guys are in charge of culture. Now I gotta go travel 15-20 minutes to a smaller movie theater to see a grown-up movie with other grown-ups where we can all sit together and not understand the ending? That's part of the experience. Where you walk out and you're like, 'I don't know, did the guy die? It's not clear.' That's the kind of movie I enjoy. I'm not gonna be bullied by grown, nerd men. I just don't go see them, I'm not interested. Maybe I overdid it a little bit.”

Well, if he’s never seen them, he doesn’t know what he’s missing. Oh well, it’s his loss. On top of that his generalization is way off. These movies are for everyone, not just grown, male nerd childs! I know a ton of grown female nerd childs that love these movies as well!

So why did Maron agree to star in a film like Joker? Well, he explained in a previous interview that it gave him the opportunity to work with Joaquin Phoenix and Robert DeNiro. Also this Joker movie is very different from the kind of films that Marvel is making.

What do you think about Maron’s comments on Marvel films?

Marc alienates the entire CONAN audience when he declares his disdain for comic book movies. More CONAN @ Team Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS &

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