Jonah Hill is Set To Direct Keanu Reeves in The Film OUTCOME

Jonah Hill is set to direct a new film project titled Outcome, and the great Keanu Reeves is attached to star in it. This will be the third film that Hill has helmed. He previously directed Mid90s, and most recently the documentary, Stutz, which revolves around his therapist Dr. Phil Stutz and their discussions on mental health.

Hill co-wrote the script with Ezra Woods, and he’ll produce as well. However, there are no details on what the story will deal with. But, it’s going to get a lot of attention due to the talent involved with it. The film package is expected to hit the market before the holiday break and there are several studios and streamers already hoping to get a chance to bid on the hot property.

I’m curious to see what this ends up being, but I love the fact that Hill and Reeves will be working together on a film project.

Source: Deadline

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