Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks About Filming the Hallway Fight Scene in INCEPTION

I’ve watched Inception a handful of times and every time, I think the coolest part is the hallway fight featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It’s just such an awesome moment to watch as the actors did it all in a rotating room. THR recently sat down with Gordon-Levitt, and with the 10th anniversary of Inception coming up, they asked him about filming the scene.

The 10th anniversary of Inception is right around the corner. Have you gotten used to the fact that your hallway fight is on every cinematic highlight reel/supercut and will continue to be long after we’re gone?

(Laughs.) I don’t know. I haven’t quite thought of it that way. It’s an honor. Carrying on in the grand tradition of Fred Astaire dancing on the ceiling. I love that movie. I think back on shooting that sequence with just such enormous fondness. We had such a blast. Chris, his entire crew, everyone was just having such a good time. I think everyone kind of knew that, as we were doing it, like, “Holy shit, this is incredible.” (Laughs.) Even though it was really, really hard work. So yeah, I don’t have much to add, but I’m grateful.

In addition, Gordon-Levitt explained that he didn’t get motion sick while filming that scene. That’s pretty impressive. Are you excited for the 10th anniversary? What’s your favorite part of Inception?

ALL THE COPYRIGHTS OF THIS VIDEO IS OWNED BY "Warner Brothers". Arthur's hallway fights Sourced directly from the 4K Blu-ray If you want a copy of the movie ...

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