Josh Trank is Moving Forward With His Tom Hardy Al Capone Film FONZO

After director Josh Trank's Fantastic Four disaster, I wasn't sure if we'd ever see him make another movie again. The stories that leaked out regarding the film and his behavior sounded like they could have killed anyone's career.

Regardless of that, Trank is back in action and ready to direct his next film. He will be directing a film called Fonzo and Tom Hardy is set to play the legendary gangster Al Capone. The story takes place near the end of his career and begins when he's 47 years-old after he spent over 10 years in prison.

That's a time in Capone's life that has never really been explored before so it should make for an interesting story and film. Tank announced that the film would be released in 2018 and released some concept art that you can see below:

.... F O N Z O H A R D Y 2 0 1 8 @bronstudios (Illustration by Troy Morgan)

A post shared by Josh Trank (@joshuatrank) on

Here’s the synopsis that was released for the film over a year ago:

Once a ruthless businessman and bootlegger who ruled Chicago with an iron fist, Alfonse Capone was the most infamous and feared gangster of American lore. At the age of 47, following nearly a decade of imprisonment, dementia rots Alfonse’s mind and his past becomes present as harrowing memories of his violent and brutal origins melt into his waking life.

Capone spent the final years of his life in Florida and it wasn't easy for him. He ended up getting syphilis and because it was untreated for years his mind ended up deteriorating. Near the end of his life he had the mental capacity of a child and he would apparently spend lots of time talking to his dead associates. Capone died in 1947.

This seriously sounds like it could be a great movie! The question is... can Trank actually pull it off? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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