Journey Through Christopher Nolan's Filmography in This 3 Minute Tribute Video
Christopher Nolan is one of the most successful filmmakers in Hollywood, and his films often inspire a fanatic devotion unlike that of many of his contemporaries. I offered my theory on exactly why that is a little while ago, but one thing's for sure: Nolan is one of the rare directors who has secured enough juice in the industry to make whatever he wants.
Luckily for us, most of what he's chosen to make has been incredibly interesting and entertaining. Some of his films are better than others in my mind, but everything he's done has been the work of a driven, singular man who struggles with but ultimately triumphs over compromise — sort of like most of his protagonists. Editor Miguel Branco has put together a three minute tribute video to Nolan's films, and if nothing else, it's a great reminder of just how gorgeous his films are. Check it out below:
Via: The Playlist