JURASSIC WORLD - Raptor Training Animated Parody — GeekTyrant

JURASSIC WORLD - Raptor Training Animated Parody

The gang over at How it Should Have Ended has released a fun animated short inspired by the upcoming Colin Trevorrow-directed movie, Jurassic World. It puts the focus on Chris Pratt’s character and the raptors that he has trained. Turns out what the raptors really want to do is just eat him. Here's a note that came along with the video:

After Jurassic World's Super Bowl Trailer we got to talking about raptors and motorcycles, and then this video happened.

Watch More HISHEs: https://bit.ly/HISHEPlaylist Subscribe to HISHE: https://bit.ly/HISHEsubscribe After Jurassic World's Super Bowl Trailer we got to talking about raptors and motorcycles, and then this video happened. Thanks for watching! Like/Share if you enjoyed it! X-Men Days of Future Past is in progress to launch next.

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