JURASSIC WORLD — 2 TV Spots, InGen Viral Video, and Mercedes Ad

We've got some more Jurassic World goodies to share with you today including two intriguing TV spots for the film. We also have an InGen viral video that shows how dinosaur breeding has evolved, along with a Mercedes-Benz Jurassic World commercial and a print ad that you can see above. 

As a fan of the franchise, I'm excited to see how this story plays out. There's still a lot that we don't know about it. Jurassic World is set to be released on June 12th.

JURASSIC WORLD - International TV Spot #1 (2015)

JURASSIC WORLD - Official TV Spot #11 (2015)

InGen Technologies - A Division of Masrani Global http://www.masraniglobal.com/ InGen is all about tomorrow's technology, today. Ever since its founder Dr. John Parker Hammond dreamed up the idea to access prehistoric life from preserved DNA in fossilized amber, InGen's headquarters in San Diego, CA have been busy at work collecting the world's most comprehensive genomic library.

This summer's hottest blockbuster. Featuring this summer's hottest ride. See the all-new GLE Coupé in JURASSIC WORLD. In theaters June 2015. Find out more at http://mb4.me/VCAYUvMe

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