JUST CAUSE Film Adaptation Brings JOHN WICK's Derek Kolstad Onboard
A Just Cause film is being made for some reason and Derek Kolstad has joined the team behind it as a writer. Kolstad is probably best known for creating and writing John Wick, the popular film franchise starring Keanu Reeves. Square Enix will be serving as an executive producer on the film.
Previous talks of a Just Cause film featured Brad Peyton as the director and Jason Momoa as the star although it’s unclear if either would still be involved.
“The game series...has followed secret agent Rico Rodriguez as he travels to a new nation in each installment controlled by a dictatorship as he works to bring them down and end the fighting between multiple factions across the island, which has been based on real locations in the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean and South America.”
I haven’t played Just Cause, but I’m always dubious of video game adaptations. I feel like they’re always “meh” at best. Would you watch a Just Cause film?
Via: ComingSoon