The Teen Titans have had their ups and downs in the last couple decades. They were a comic, then a really cool cartoon series, and then...Teen Titans Go. fine. But in the recent Batman Bad Blood DVD, a sneak peak of the Titans in the new animated series was released and it was pretty cool.
The new Teen Titans are similar to the Titans of the comics, but with some rather big changes. You still have the staple Titans, like Starfire, Robin, Beast Boy, and Raven. However, the Robin of this new Teen Titans is actually Damien, and Nightwing is hanging around in a different way. Also Cyborg is technically a part of the actual Justice League, and comes to hang out with the Titans because they are closer to his age. Finally, Blue Beetle is a new member who fills in the tech shoes that Cyborg leaves behind.
The preview seems pretty cool, and goes over a classic Raven storyline — battling with Trigon. It's a fight we've seen plenty of times before, but this new story seems to have an interesting twist. The JLA want to take Raven in to make sure Trigon is not released, and the Titans want to fight them over it. Also a plus: seeing Jon Bernthal get more villainous comic roles. He just plays dark so well. Check out the preview for more details and interviews with cast members.
UPDATE: Look like the 11min sneak peek has been taken down. Added a trailer that we hadn't posted yet.