Justin Theroux Admits IRON MAN 2 Was Flawed

In the midst of a Zoolander 2 media run, screenwriter Justin Theroux was forced to answer questions about another one of his screenwriting exploits. It's safe to say Iron Man 2 remains in the minds of fans the weakest entry in the series, and Theroux agrees. He even offered some insight to Italian film site Bad Taste and said the odds were stacked against the film from its start...

"You know, like many thing sometimes is difficult to live up to the expectations...After the first Iron Man the expectations for the second one were huge. You go in with very high expectations… and even before we started working on it we had a release date and so we had to do the movie very quickly."

Theroux has no regrets about the film, however...

  "...I don’t want to blame anything or anyone… It was a collaboration and i really love Marvel, Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. We tried to please the fans and tried to make it big… But sometimes these things they don’t just quite work. But there are parts of that movie that I’m very proud of.”

I feel a bit vindicated now in my dislike for Iron Man 2, although honestly I can't say I truly think 3 lived up to the expectations of the original either.

Thanks ComicBook for the heads up.

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