Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter Discuss BILL & TED 3 Which is Actually Close To Happening!

For years Bill & Ted fans have been hearing about a third Bill & Ted movie called Bill & Ted Face The Music. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are both on board to make the movie if a studio ever decides to pull the trigger on it. There's already a script that was written by Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson, the story of which follows the older middle-aged Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted 'Theodore' Logan back in time to interact with their past selves and George Carlin’s character Rufus, "using footage from 1989’s Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure." It finds our heroes "still struggling to complete the great work of their life."

Now Reeves, Winter, Matheson, and Solomon have recently reunited for an interview with Entertainment Weekly to talk about Bill and Ted 3 and the long process they have gone through in trying to get it into production. Solomon says:

“We wanted to get it right. We wanted to have it be something that we — all four of us, Chris and I, Alex and Keanu — could stand behind, and know we’re doing this for the right reasons."

When talking about the story it's explained that after they are told by Rufus that they would write music that would change the world and turn it into a utopia, at 50 years old they still haven't done it yet. Writer Chris Matheson says:

"You’re told you’re gonna save the world. And now you’re 50 and you haven’t done it. Now they’re married, and it affects their marriages, and it affects their relationships with their kids, and it affects their everything."

Reeves adds that now everyone is a little older and a little afraid. I think that's something a lot of us who grew up with these movies can relate to. Many of us have had dreams, plans and goals in our lives, and maybe a lot of us haven't accomplished those things yet and as we get older, we are afraid that maybe it won't happen. Maybe it's too late. Winter goes on to say:

"There’s certain comparisons. A rock band that never goes to the place it thought it was going to get to. Having that moment in their life of going: ‘Do we try to get there, or give up the dream?'"

Reeves adds:

"Indomitable spirits confronted with, 'Is this the end?' Of course, there is a little caveat in that someone comes from the future and says: 'Not only do you have to save the world, you have to save everything.'"

Solomon then explains that the third chapter of the story is like A Christmas Carol in that it looks at their lives, "and really kind of rediscovering what they’re about."

It's then confirmed that Dean Parisot (Galaxy Quest) is still on board to direct the film and that they are hoping to close a deal with some financiers within the next month or so! They also confirm that Steven Soderbergh (Oceans 11) is a producer on the film, which is pretty awesome bit of news!

Bill Sadler will reprise his role as Death and the film is also said to feature "a few delicious cameos by people to be named another time." When talking about the road to getting this sequel made, it hasn't been an easy one. Winter explains:

"The whole trajectory of getting the next one off the ground has been pretty much exactly like the experience of getting the original. Going to every studio, and they’re like, ‘What the eff is this?’ It’s this kind of independent spirit, and the films have an anachronistic quality to them that’s a big part of what they are, fundamentally. I’m really happy that this one is the same. It doesn’t feel like some stale knockoff that a studio would have immediately gone, 'Oh, this feels right. We have rebranded very successfully.'"

How are the studios not jumping all over this!? It's crazy that they have kept being turned down this long! There's definitely a market for this! Reeves then opens up about his love the characters saying:

"I love the characters so much — who they are, the spirit of their voice that Chris and Ed have given [them]. You can’t go wrong with: 'Be excellent to each other.' And: 'Party on!' I mean, it might actually be the beginning, one of the first examples of contemporary modern apocalyptic art."

Winter then interjects and says:

"Now we have to make the third one. Before the apocalypse!"

I'm happy to hear that these guys haven't given up on Billy & Ted 3! Right now the people in the world could use a little more Bill & Ted in their lives. I can't wait to see this movie!

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